Monday, October 22, 2012

Why you should trust a wiki

     Most people can't trust a wiki because anyone can edit the page.  Instead of having to argue with it why not try it.  Having may people be able to edit a page is a good way to have many sources of information come into your wiki.  If you have a class or group you could plan a trip somewhere or start up a list that your club needs to do.  Besides your whole group can join this wiki and edit what has or hasn't been done for example.  You can also moditor who has changed or has been on your wiki.
     For my class we are learning about wikis.  One way we could use it would be for our final prodject in which some of use have to make commericials for our product.  An example would be to have our group plan a list on what we did and what we do need to do for it.  It could be open just to our group and we all could pitch in on it.  That is only one way that you could have it ,but there are many more.
     I have many experiences with wikis.  Wikipedia I use most of the time to see about a group or person or something in that area.  Even though many wikis you may not beable to trust people watch over it and make sure that the facts put on there are true.  I know that I can trust it because there are much worse websites than that for information.  You have my word to say that I trust it so why don't you.

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