Monday, December 15, 2014

Do Now 12/15

What things ignite your desire to help make this world a better place? Really think about this. How can your life goals not only fulfill your own needs but contribute to the community.

See people in distress and need makes me want to help them out and fix their problems.  With my life goals, I will always try and help people out as much as I possible can.

Friday, December 12, 2014

My Restaurant Project

     A restaurant is there for a person to be happy while eating.  Lido Restaurant in Hackensack, New Jersey is one of my favorites.  At Lido they serve American and Italian cuisine that will trigger saliva in your mouth faster than Usain Bolt can run the 100 meter dash.  The inside is very calm and the waiters and waitresses are friendly.  I am telling you, the food is too good to explain, you have to give them your cash in order to try a piece of the beautifulness that comes out of that kitchen.  Let me go into some finer details about this incredible place.
     Two of their most divine dishes are the sliced steak and thin crust pizza.  I have drooled over myself in front of company while eating the pizza.  Ever since this restaurant came out almost thirty years ago, there have been people like me drooling over themselves.   Even if you ruin your brand new pants because of this, it is all worth it.  Once you go one time, you will have to go back so many more.
If Lido Restaurant were to close down, first I would play a lot of hockey, then I would gently weep myself to sleep.  Hockey makes everything better, but it would take a while for me to get over it.  Sad hockey is not the best hockey I play, but I would put my all into it for the name of Lido Restaurant.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

RSS Feed Project

  1. Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
  2. Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
  3. Which sites were your favorites?
  4. What else can you use RSS feeds for?
  5. How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?

1. The purpose for selected the sites that I did was to keep in touch with each of them much quicker then before.
2. Not all of them were as easy as the other, for example: when I was trying to find other sites for my hobbies category, it took quite long to find a reasonable one with an RSS feed button.
3. Probably the NHL news feed because I know that they will have the most reliable information, and I always like to keep up to date with the NHL.
4. You can use it to see your best friends posts on Twitter or Facebook, and many other things too.
5. I cannot tell how likely I will be to keep using them because the world is changing fast and in a second it could be gone.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

You Can Feel the Game Now?

Yes indeed, you can feel the game now, and it is better than ever.  There is only one bad part, you have to be San Jose Sharks fan.  Otherwise, you can use the newly proclaimed "4D" technology of being able to use, to be just like the people in the stands.  You insert the piece into your couch, and then it is done.  It cost $300.

Click Here for the full article.  

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Do Now 12/2

If there were a class to add to our school The Importance of Hockey Class.  The class would meet all of the school day for everyday, because hockey is the best and deserves the best.  For the Importance of Hockey class, it would feel, look, sound, but not smell, amazing.  Students would learn the importance of hockey, and demonstrate the meaning of being a hockey player.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Wiki Disection

1. The purpose of this wiki is on information for distributive technology.
2. The last post was November 7, 2007.
3. The wiki was created for the mainstream public, and, the person used paragraph text, and a chart.
4. I would add easier information to hone in on, so the average user could find what they are looking for.
5. I did not learn much, and that is why I would make it easier to navigate, and access information.
6. If I had to create a wiki with a specific team, it would be on hockey.
7. Wikis can be used in a classroom for education, to make projects, to track data, and to measure the progress of the class.

  1. What is the purpose of this Wiki?
  2. When was the last post?
  3. How was this Wiki created?
  4. What would you add to it?
  5. What did you learn from it?
  6. If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)?
  7. How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Protecting the most important part of the game.

With concussions being the largest issue in the NHL and NFL, it is apparent that the two leagues need to improve testing and issuing out correct tests grades.  Especially in the NFL is this an issue, where players will continue to play under the influence of medication, in order to get there time on the field.  In hockey, it is all about being able to get out for the next shift, but it is important to improve yourself in time for it.  Well, what if you didn't have to always be as concerned about the most important of your body.  With advances in helmets from companies such as Bauer, CCM, and Riddell it has be less of an issue to have to worry about going to the locker room for tests every time.  The companies have been adding layers to the there helmets by having foam pads with small plates in between the frame and foam.

How can a wiki be used a current class on your schedule?

A wiki can be used in a current class schedule to track the chapters and subjects we have covered in a class.  An example could be in History class; you will create the wiki with all of the chapters/subjects you will cover.  Then in three weeks when you are done with The French Revolution, you can put it into your class's finished column and then you can move on and repeat.  This could also be used for your review for midterms and finals.  By doing any of this, it will keep your class organized and aware of what is coming up.  My experience with wikis would be in my World History class and Web 2.0. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What I did over the long weekend.

I barely did anything over the long weekend we had from school.  I tried to sleep, woke up and ate.  It was very unexciting and full of nothingness.  Best thing would have been watching hockey, but my favorite team lost each game they played over the weekend.  It was just very bad, and I couldn't do anything about it.  Nothing made it any better for me the day after.

Monday, October 27, 2014

10/27 Do Now

A strong presentation, can raise your expectations during it, and makes the other people around you influenced by your confidence.  Asking questions helps to engage your audience, giving away free items, and making eye contact. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Better Skates?

If you are just learning to play hockey, you will know that you are nervous each time you step on the ice.  What if there were something to reveal some of that anxiety.  Jeffrey Azzolin, an engineer from Waterloo University of Ontario, has a solution.  After he saw that some of the skates on the market say that they will boost your power on ice, he made a spring loaded blade, that will increase your speed and prevent injuries.  Players in the area of Waterloo and an NHL veteran have given their approval of the new technology.

Jeffrey Azzolin holding a Bladetech skate

Click here for the full article. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Skating Toward the Future

After many ideas from companies all over the hockey business, finally there seems to be a skate that is one step further than the rest.  The Bauer Supreme Totalone MX3 Skate has it all; less break in time, flexible, but controlled ankle movement, and so much more.  The skates provide new T shaped lacing holes letting players have the most support amongst their feet.  Lightweight technology helps a player be one of the best on the ice.  The most important part of the game has just gotten even better.

Click here for the full link.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Player Tracking

When playing a sport, have you ever felt that when you look at your stats, they do not add up to your performance.  For example, in football you play Middle Linebacker, you are in on every play whether it be breaking up the pass, get the men down, etc.  But your points against ratio is poor; well this is what it is like for hockey players and their plus/minus ratio.  A plus/minus is your goals while on ice ratio; when your team scores, it goes up, when you concede, it goes down.  So what if your coach could see what you did on a play ever time you concede or score.  This is why the NHL will be likely introducing player tracking into the coaches arsenal.  There have been countless times where I do all I can on a play, then once the team rushes back down the ice again, while I am at the end of my shift, they score.  My coach will scold the players when sometimes we do not deserve it.  That is when it comes in handy.  The coach could estimate the distance traveled and see how hard you worked, and critique it all.

Click here for the full article.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Editorial Do Now

An editorial is an article in a newspaper or other periodical presenting the opinion of the publisher, editor, or editors.  Most of my teachers have told me that Wikipedia is a bad source for finding information on the internet.  While I believe this is not true in any way, Wikipedia is a much better source of information rather than a "startup" website with only a single person to back them.  After reading this article my editorial on Wikipedia stands firmly in place as what it is. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Skating Treadmill

Have you ever wanted to get better at a majority of hockey; if you said yes here is what you need.  The hockey skating treadmill, it can improve shooting, skating technique, and more.  The skating treadmill can go up to 20 miles per hour and five in reverse.  The only thing to be wiry about would be becoming very tired after using it (even after a few minutes of using it).  All round it can help you in great ways .

click here for the full article

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Can a Computer Train a Player's Brain More Then Anything Else?

The brain is the most important and complex part of your body.  So with the greatest hockey players on Earth, being great at their athletic abilities, train to be even faster in their minds.  The Applied Cognitive Engineering (ACE) has an answer for this mystery.  Their IntelliGym is helping even more coaches and players reach their dreamed capability.  Originally used for fighter pilots, ACE has helped the hockey community in a big way.  The developers have a guaranteed 30% all round improvement on the ice.  If these facts are true, it is only a matter of time before the biggest stars in the NHL start using it.

Click here for the full article.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

Copyrights are a major issue for everyone, if not used correctly.  When not used in the right way, whatever you own, with the unauthorized copyright, you can get shut down or fined.  Although, there are a lot of ways to avoid doing that.  Using copyrights for educational purposes could be one, or just giving the company who made the copyrighted product money.  Getting a copyrighted product for education would be very important for the students.  The products are good for everyone, that needs them for education and/or entertainment. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Colt Hockey Stick

The Colt Hockey Stick

The Colt Hockey Stick is one the newest and is definitely the most durable stick on the market.  For all hockey players, breaking sticks is a big problem.  After two to six weeks you break your stick; another 200 down the drain.  Created by a group on Kickstarter, the group dreamed to make unbreakable hockey stick.  The men made their stick different, it is dipped in nano steel.  That is right, the stick is dipped in the durable yet light weight material.  It can withstand 397 pounds of pressure without breaking.  The prices match up with the top line products of other companies in the industry.  However they may have one flaw in their plan: is it so durable that it cannot break, and people cannot by more of these sticks.  The community can only wait to see how a beautiful idea may become a disaster.