Thursday, October 2, 2014

Player Tracking

When playing a sport, have you ever felt that when you look at your stats, they do not add up to your performance.  For example, in football you play Middle Linebacker, you are in on every play whether it be breaking up the pass, get the men down, etc.  But your points against ratio is poor; well this is what it is like for hockey players and their plus/minus ratio.  A plus/minus is your goals while on ice ratio; when your team scores, it goes up, when you concede, it goes down.  So what if your coach could see what you did on a play ever time you concede or score.  This is why the NHL will be likely introducing player tracking into the coaches arsenal.  There have been countless times where I do all I can on a play, then once the team rushes back down the ice again, while I am at the end of my shift, they score.  My coach will scold the players when sometimes we do not deserve it.  That is when it comes in handy.  The coach could estimate the distance traveled and see how hard you worked, and critique it all.

Click here for the full article.

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